Event Date: 28 April, 2023

On 28/04/2023 the 3rd “Living Lab” was organized on the initiative of the Municipality of Karditsa and the support of the project team of AN.KA SA, through the digital platform ZOOM, in the framework of the 2ISECAP Project on “Sustainable Urban Mobility” were the mitigation actions in the transport sector according to the SECAP and the SUMP were presented by the Project Manager Ms. Antoniou Agoritsa.

The discussion was attended by Mr. Elias Schoretsianitis – Deputy Mayor of Economic Services, Ms. Giannouli Ioanna – Project Coordinator of 2ISECAP – BPM S.A., specialized scientists in transport & sustainable mobility, spatial/urban planning & financing of energy projects: Mr. Tourkolias Christos – External Associate CRES, Mr. Gavanas Nikolaos – Assistant Professor of Department of Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Mr. Mavrogeorgis Theodoros – Civil Engineer/Transportation Engineer, responsible of the study group of SUMP and institutions & groups of Karditsa: Mr. Papapostolou Evangelos – President of Urban City Bus S.A., Mr. Agrafiotis Vasileios – President of Karditsa Disabled Association, Mr. Kontaxis Georgios – General Secretary of the Energy Community of Karditsa ESEK, Mrs. Velesiotou Aikaterini – President of Women’s Centre of Karditsa and Mr. Papanouskas Michalis – Professor, Coordinator of the “Climate Change – Climate Crisis” Group of the 1st Experimental High School.

In conclusion, in this participatory process the following actions were recorded as a step towards sustainable mobility of the city:

  1. Establishment of a monitoring-evaluation-review mechanism for mitigation actions.
  2. Establishment of a “Governance Body” for participatory decision-making.
  3. Restructuring & prioritization of mitigation actions, relevant to the mobility problems of disabled people.
  4. Strengthening the accessibility line of the University departments for better & safe service to students.
  5. Taking measures to decongest the center from cars with better parking conditions.
  6. Conduct a feasibility study of a new access line to the city center using two fuel efficient and low emission buses.

Next objective is to organize another thematic “Living Lab” with the participation of relevant stakeholders (e.g. the agricultural sector) for a more effective energy transition of the city of Karditsa.

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