Central Denmark Region (CDR) is one of five regions in Denmark and covers 19 municipalities with a total of 1.3 million inhabitants. In 2016, the political regional council confirmed its vision of 50 % renewable energy consumption by 2025 and 100 % as a long-term vision. The means have been multifaceted: supporting stakeholders in integrating RES and by enhancing energy savings as well as creating the framework to develop and demonstrate new technologies and business cases.

Consequently, the share of renewable energy in CDR today is an outstanding 42% – superior to the EU average of 15.3% and above the Danish average of 34.2%.

Many local authorities have actively promoted energy savings at private end-users together with other local stakeholders, mostly supply companies, in the local strategic energy planning process. There is a long tradition for cooperation between the municipalities (multi-level), including coordinating spatial planning and energy strategies and monitoring of CO2 Emissions. This cooperation has to a large extent been facilitated by CDR. In June 2020, the CDR conjointly with the four other regions, the Local Government Denmark (KL) and RealDania signed the DK2020 project, which aims to support 20 municipalities to fulfill the commitments of the Paris Agreement on a municipal level based on C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group experience. Thirteen (13) municipalities of the CDR have signed the Covenant of Mayors.


2isecap activities

The main contribution of CDR in the project as subcontractor of ECNET is to provide know how, evaluate the 2ISECAP approach iand support scaling activities.

The DK2020 Process

DK 2020 is an initiative that supports Danish municipalities in raising thiei climate efforts to the international standard – Climate Action Planning Framework (CAPF).

The initiative offers all municipalities a common methodology and direction for municipal climate efforts in the preparation of strategic energy and climate plans. This includes providing knowledge and experience for municipalities, regions and other climate actors in Denmark. The standard is based on the preparation of a strategy towards an emissions-neutral city / municipality by 2050, and with ambitious sub-goals. This also includes a strategy for climate adaptation in relation to existing and future climate challenges.

A total of 95 Danish municipalities are participating in the initiative, which is thus to be considered an important contribution to achieving Denmark’s climate goals and the municipalities’ role in them.

In the Central Denmark Region, all 19 municipalities are part of the initiative. 4 pilot municipalities took the lead, namely Lemvig, Randers, Samsø, and Aarhus and all have approved DK2020 climate plans. 9 other municipalities are in full swing with the process and the remaining 6 municipalities have started up in October 2021.

Transport and agriculture are the areas that have the greatest potential in terms of reducing CO2 emissions.

The challenges in the process are in relation to the involvement of all actors, among other things through partnerships, the necessary political support, the managerial anchoring and mobilization of the necessary resources. In relation to the subsequent implementation (after 2023),  there is a particular  need for further inter-municipal cooperation.