Fourth Living Lab Meeting in Karditsa

Event Date: 30 August 2023


 On Wednesday 30/08/2023 the 4th “Live Lab” was organized on the initiative of the Municipality of Karditsa and the support of the project team of AN.KA S.A, through the digital platform ZOOM, in the framework of the European Project 2ISECAP on “Energy Community: perspectives, challenges and activity constraints”, where the mitigation actions in the sectors of municipal buildings, facilities, domestic sector, transport and energy production according to the SECAP, and in which the action of the energy community is involved, were presented by the Project Manager Antoniou Agoritsa.

The discussion was attended by Mr. Schoretsianitis Elias – Deputy Mayor of Financial Services, Mr. Theologis Stefanos – Deputy Mayor of Administrative Services, Mr. Antoniou Sotiris – Deputy Mayor of Sanitation & Civil Protection, Mrs. Giannouli Ioanna – Project Coordinator of BPM S.A, Mrs. Tasopoulou Natasa – Member of the BPM S.A. project team, Sakellariou Evangelos – General Manager of AN.KA S.A., Filippou Vassilis – Member of the Board of Directors of ESEK SYN.PE, Tourkolias Christos – External Associate of CRES, Psimmenos Sotiris – Biogas production unit.

In conclusion, this participatory process recorded the following moves towards energy savings:

  1. Prioritization of mitigation actions to save energy.
  2. Preliminary study of energy upgrading of unrenovated municipal buildings.
  3. Establishment of a “one-stop shop” Energy Community service to inform and raise awareness of citizens on energy saving issues (photovoltaics, biomass boilers).
  4. Creation of a monitoring-evaluation-review mechanism for mitigation actions (mapping of actors to provide data to the Municipality).
  5. Establishment of a “Governance Body” for participatory decision-making.

Next objective is to organize a new thematic “Living Lab” with the participation of relevant stakeholders for a more effective energy transition of the city of Karditsa.

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