Padova is a city and a municipality in Veneto region, Northern Italy. It is the chief-town of the Province of Padova. It is also the economic and communications hub of the area. Padova’s population is around 214,000 inhabitants.

The Municipality of Padova, has a long-standing experience in EU projects, particularly on urban planning, energy and environmental and sustainability issues. The activities are managed by the Environment and Territory Department and Informambiente Office, which is a branch dedicated to local participation, environmental communication and project management. Back in November 2001 the Local Agenda21 office has been established with the scope of involving the key stakeholders of the territory and co-designing urban plans and projects.

A Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan has been adopted by the City Council on June 2021, at the end of a long participatory process, aimed at collecting proposals and indications. The participated process, in the style of Agenda21, was open to local citizens in an associated form (trade associations, trade unions, professional associations, environmental, cultural, social, sports movements and associations,  committees and associations active in the neighborhood,

parishes). The SECAP includes mitigation and adaptation strategies and actions with a 2030 target. The plan has been drafted within the Covenant of Mayors initiative, updating the previous existing SEAP (which was outdated; target year was 2020). With the new SECAP the Municipality is aiming at reducing by at least the 55% the CO2 emissions, compared to the baseline (2005).

2isecap activities

2ISECAP will enhance the institutional capacity of the Municipality of Padova, providing know how and innovative tools and methods for engaging society to achieve the local energy transition. Moreover, the Municipality is striving to integrate the different urban plans (SECAP, SUMP, Green Plan, Town Plan), finding the right way to interlink the different topics and to internally co-create a master-plan for sustainability looking towards 2030. The creation of a Municipal “control room” for sustainability and energy related issues is one of the key goals of the City.

A local living lab has been established within the project and will be further strenghtened, capitalizing the work done with the LocalAgenda21 office, and looking forward for the integration of public and private projects and initiatives into the 2030 strategy.

Collaborative initiatives have been set-up with the group of companies located in the industrial area. The initiatives cover three areas: creation of green rooftops/facades; installation of renewable power plants; sustainable mobility plans. A strong collaboration with local supermarkets has been also activated, pushing towards the deep refurbishment of their stores with innovative financial instruments (crowdfunding, EPC, Products-as-a-Service). The strong engagement of private stakeholders in the SECAP planning resulted in the subscription of collaboration pacts, sharing objectives and setting a common ground for the evaluation and disclosure of sustainability measures. A sustainability brand/logo has been recently launched to give visibility to virtuos commercial activities/shops/etc.

The Municipality is co-designing projects with public companies and universities.

In this regard, the University of Padova has been deeply involved in the SECAP process. A strong cooperation with the University of Padova is also covering the organization of communication and dissemination events in the territory.

Within the 2ISECAP project, the City of Padova decided to join the European network of Smart and Climate Neutral Cities. In April 2022, Padova has been included in the short list of 100 cities committed to achieve the climate neutrality by 2030.

The Climate City Contract is a drafting phase and will be based on the following principles:

  • proximity and pedestrian accessibility to all essential services,
  • new plantings and nature-based solutions, enhancing the biodiversity of the city,
  • carbon-free mobility, enhanced by sustainable and electric collective and private transport systems,
  • flexible spaces that adapt and change over time, according to the different needs of its users,
  • social inclusion and community cohesion,
  • self-sufficiency and 4 Rs: reduce, repair, reuse and recycle,
  • new technological and architectural solutions and innovative construction techniques,
  • deep refurbishment of the existing building stock, thanks to the activation of a One-Stop-Shop,
  • investments in innovation and economic regeneration, relying on industry 4.0.

Padova Living Lab results

The Padova Living Lab serves as a dynamic platform for promoting sustainability and climate neutrality in Padova. Established as part of the European H2020 2ISECAP project, it integrates innovation and research in a partnership between public and private stakeholders. The lab emphasizes capacity building, knowledge exchange, and active collaboration to co-define measures within Padova’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) and Climate City Contract.

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Padova Charts the Path to Climate Neutrality

As part of the European Commission’s Net Zero Cities Mission, Padova has emerged as one of 100 European cities and 9 Italian cities selected to lead the charge toward climate neutrality by 2030. This recognition reflects the city’s commitment to sustainability and innovation, underscored by its submission of a comprehensive Climate City Contract to the European Commission this past September.

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Italian cities pioneering climate neutrality

On April 10, 11 and 12, Duezerocinquezero, the National Forum on Energy and Sustainability, now in its third edition, was held in Padova.
One of the first events scheduled at the Forum was dedicated to the great challenge in which the Net Zero Cities, the 100 European cities called upon by the European Commission to reach the climate neutrality goal in 2030, twenty years ahead of the European target, are involved.

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Padova 2030 climate neutral – information campaign

In December 2023, the City of Padova launched an information campaign, which appeared on city billboards and on some streetcar shelters, to raise awareness of the city’s path toward decarbonization. The message chosen for the initiative was “Together towards Padova 2030, a zero-emission city,” designed to make the participatory dimension of the project and involve all citizens in this ambitious challenge, which, to be won, needs everyone’s contribution and commitment.

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Which instruments for cities’ energy transition?

On December 18, 2023, our project partner @University of Brescia, together with the @Ordine degli Ingegneri di Brescia, the Italian Centro Nazionale di Studi Urbanistici (CENSU), and the University Research and Documentation Center for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (CRA 2030), organized a seminar titled “Which instruments for cities’ energy transition?”.

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Padova 2030- Collecting proposals from civil society to reduce E-missions kicks off

The path to Padova 2030 – climate neutral city – takes a new step, with the activation of an online form in which, on a personal level or representing a group (entity, association, etc.), it is possible to propose an action aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for climate change. These actions, following an evaluation by municipal technicians, may be included in the Climate City Contract that the city will sign, within the framework of the European Union’s Zero Cities Mission program, committing itself to achieving climate neutrality by 2030. The online form is published in the web page of the Padova 2030 mission.

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Padova 2030 – Meetings with the neighbourhood councils.

In November 2023 the Municipality of Padova met the citizens to inform them about the climate neutral mission by 2030 and collect their proposals. The three meetings involved the neighbourhood councils, an instrument to enable citizens to actively participate in the life and choices that affect neighborhoods, in the management of common goods, and in the social and cultural life of the places where people live and work.

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Participatory Path Towards Padova 2030

On 21st March 2023, the Municipality of Padova arranged its first meeting in relation to “Agenda 21 – Consultation path towards 2023” The meeting gathered stakeholders from 16 organisations in relation to the thematic scope: Building redevelopment and renewable energy

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