Padova 2030- Collecting proposals from civil society to reduce E-missions kicks off
On November 27, 2023, during the public meeting “Padova 2030 for Innovation and Sustainability” some projects of the Municipality of Padova aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens and reaching the climate neutrality have been presented. Moreover, some initiatives of local stakeholders were given the occasion to be illustrated. Some of the territory’s main stakeholders (Interporto Padova, Busitalia Veneto, AcegasApsAmga, University of Padova, Acli, CVS Padova and Rovigo) described the actions they will put in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to their activities, which will become part of the Climate Agreements with the Municipality. These commitments will be integrated into the Climate City Contract currently being drafted. Other agreements will be signed in the upcoming months with other actors so that the various components of the city’s economic, social and associative lyfe will be involved in the path towards climate neutrality.