The dissemination of 2ISECAP at European level will aim at liaising with the development of EU policies and strategies and facilitate European – wide dissemination, replication and exchange of results and know-how with parallel initiatives.

Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP

AESOP is an international association with scientific, artistic and educational purposes and operates according to its Charter.

With over 150 members, AESOP is the only representation of planning schools of Europe. Given this unique position, AESOP strengthens its profile as a professional body. AESOP mobilizes its resources, taking a leading role and entering its expertise into ongoing debates and initiatives regarding planning education and planning qualifications of future professionals.


International Society of City and Regional Planners  ISOCARP

The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) is a global association of experienced professional planners. It was founded in 1965 in a bid to bring together recognised and highly-qualified planners in an international network.

The ISOCARP network brings together individual and institutional members from more than 80 countries worldwide. Members are planners and other stakeholders involved in the development and maintenance of the built environment.


European Energy Research Alliance EERA

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is an alliance of European public research centres and universities. EERA brings together more than 160 research centres and universities. Actively working together on 17 joint research programmes, they build on national research initiatives.

Regional Studies Association RSA

RSA works with its international membership to facilitate the highest standards of theoretical development, empirical analysis and policy debate of issues at this sub-national scale, incorporating both the urban and rural and different conceptions of space such as city-regions and interstitial space. Members come from economics, geography, political science, planning and sociology backgrounds. Most work in academia but many are working in policy and practice, and membership is truly global.