Second public participation event for Thun’s Energy and Climate Strategy

Event Date: 6 September, 2022

In September 2022, the city of Thun invited its citizens, local business and industry, academia and civil society organizations to the second public participation event for its Energy and Climate Strategy, the so-called Soundingboard. The focus of this event was on the specific measures that were proposed in a first draft of the Action Plan.

The event kicked off with an input presentation on the national climate targets by Professor Reto Knutti, a leading climate scientist and former member of the IPCC. In various breakout sessions, the more than 50 participants were then able to evaluate the measures of the Action Plan at five booths on the basis of a jointly developed SWOT analysis, as well as proposing adjustments and additions. In particular, those measures that affect many different stakeholder were discussed.

The participants’ suggestions were then discussed in the steering group (key group to the strategy process) and, if they were deemed feasible and represented clear added value, they were included in the Roadmap. The adjustments to the Roadmap were communicated transparently to the participants via the online platform E-Mitwirkung.

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